Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Color of Death (cont'd)

The Color of Death

I stand behind the tree
I see them
Hand in hand
He left me for her?
Her stick skinny legs entwined
with his on the park bench
Her milk chocolate skin touching his
His smooth lips caress her forehead
He disgusts me
This shoudln't be allowed - this relationship
Stealing our men from right under our noses
She's probably using him for his money
She's up to no good
I just know it
I see their breath in the cold air
as it floats in the sky
Her hand flirtasiouly touches his thigh
His comforting hand holds her shoulder
It's not fair
She seems perfect
I told him he would regret leaving me
And for a black girl at that
I stand behind the tree
The cold barrel of the gun in my jacket

The Color of Death

I wrote this poem (above) in creative writing. We each got a picture from a magazine and had to write something about it. I got an interracial couple. But this picture is different. The people in my picture are walking in the snow and the woman is standing behind the tree. I read an article about this in the news. A newlywed Interracial couple in cali was bound, beaten, and shot just for being with each other. Police thought it was a robbery gone bad, but the murders wrote racial slurs on their walls. Police thought that only white people could commit a racial crime, but it was really 4 black men. It's a shame that some of us only look at the color of the skin instead of what's inside.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


YAYY!!!!!! IM SIXTEEN and I'm finally free

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

This is Me

People tell me that I’m crazy and I believe them. I take this as a compliment because I am unique. I am proud of my persona. No one in this world can change me unless I want to change. I think I might be gay. I mean that’s what people say. They say if you love yourself then, you’re gay. Well, I guess that I’m big fat lesbian then because I love myself.
My life is good, even though I have some bad times. People say I’m crazy like psycho, but I’m not psycho crazy. I like my personality and I’m comfortable with myself. It’s weird how some people act differently around certain people. I don’t know why because you should always be comfortable with who you are. People also say I’m fat, just because I like to eat. I mean who doesn’t like a few pieces of chocolate cake here and there. I do like to eat, but can you blame me? I hate it when you see people on TV and they talk about all this health food stuff that you should and shouldn’t eat. I mean it’s called ‘comfort’ food for a reason. People say I’m stupid because I don’t know anything we talk about in chemistry. Because I may not have all the common sense in the world. I’m sorry my knowledge isn’t up to your standards.

I'm a different color crayon every day. I'm crazy and outgoing. You can love me or hate, but you won't break me

Well by now, I hoped you noticed how every sentence started with ‘People say…’. This should never happen. Don’t let people run your life. You choose the path you want to go. There is only one name on your birth certificate.
People say what I just said is stupid. But that doesn’t bother me.

From Daddy to Mommy

A Face with No Name

Tears of yesterday for what should have been
Seek no judgment to blame for we are the same
And so the spirit cries its name

Open me up and I’m sure you’ll agree
That what you want is not what you see

For apart of it still rests in thee
To make one the pieces in we

In this day there must come a time
When pureness of soul must reflect the mind

For here is where give and take gives
Here my dear is where love lives

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Such the poet, am I?


What’s wrong with me?
I keep running and running.
Running away
My mind wants to stop, but my feet keep moving.
Could it be that this immortal beast could be my problem?
Could it be a problem that I’m running from?
Like I’ve always done. When I threw it away
When I threw us away. When I threw real love away.
Because my insensitivity overrode your feelings
Even when I could see your heart crying out for me not to let you slip way.
But my naïve ways blocked me from seeing that emotionally.
Could it be that the real problem is me?
That my laziness is driving everyone away.
Could it be that I am the real beast?
That I am running from my own carelessness to deal with my heart
I left you there on the ground, broken.
Then my neglect turned to anger that I directed towards you
This drove you away even more.
Now you are too far away from me to reach out to again
I can’t face you anymore.
Me and me heart are afraid of rejection.
Now you blackmail us. I turned you away and now you do the same.
You shade your real feelings to keep the laughter and gossip down.
I and my heart are two different people
Two different feelings. Two different worlds
Like dirt and water. Opposites.
My flesh hates you. I despise you for no reason.
My heart adores you. Yearns for you and can’t go a day without hearing the name.
Can’t you see that I’m hurting?
I am the wind that floats gaily above ground and avoids the dirt below
Then I lash out every second.
I am calm and then I am wild
Can’t you see that I am not tame without you?
You are the soil that wants nourishment.
Sun, water, and life.
Then I took it with my selfishness.
I want to be the Sun.
I want to be the one that raises you when you wilt.
I want to be the one to rise because I have a purpose.
I am running still
But now I’m running towards you.

I wrote this. Please post comments of helpful criticism or of if you just plain liked it:)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

so Boredd.

Just looking through some old pictures and found this. Oh how I miss those days when there was minimal drama and everybody was happy. We have so much fun @ Isaac bear even though the work is boring. The people here are amazing and really tight-knit. Can;t wait for UNCW nxt year:)